1·He wondered aloud about everything from why someone might buy a death bed, to the feeling of helplessness as you watch your mobile phone battery die.
2·Something as simple as leaving a bed unmade during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and mattress so the mites will dehydrate and eventually die.
3·He was not one who was going to lie in bed and die, that's for sure.
4·And when I should be grown quite an old man, and you an old woman, so as not to be long apart, I might die happy enough in my bed, and leave you all crying around me.
5·You're going to go on and you're going to make lots of babies and you're going to watch them grow and you're going to die an old, an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here.
6·If men quarrel and one hits the other with a stone or with his fist and he does not die but is confined to bed.
7·Therefore you will not leave the bed you are lying on. You will certainly die! ' ' '.
8·Because you have done this, you will never leave the bed you are lying on. You will certainly die!
9·I recall becoming so aware of my sin that I would lay in bed and shudder—afraid to go to sleep at night for fear that I'd die and spend eternity in hell.
10·Though Roosevelt didn't die, he returned to America in a decrepit state, and for many years was often unable to leave his bed.